That’s it, the Clarke’s have officially finished their first challenge under The Tom Clarke Foundation! With a grand total of 310,000 steps as a collective, we decided to finish the challenge in a place which holds many memories for us as a family. We ventured through Grasmere, around the lake, up to Rydal caves and around Rydal water before heading back and finishing in the only way we knew how to; with food and a pint! 🥰
It has been an eye-opening challenge which led to long walks, day trips and late night bedroom boogies. We have done many of these walks together as a family allowing us to reminisce about the many adventures and stories we have of one another.
We just want to thank everyone who has already donated and those who continue to do so through the Just Giving link available on the page. We have raised as of Monday afternoon, £2,335 + gift aid and cannot thank you all enough for helping us keep Tom’s memory alive and enthusiasm for life going ❤️
